I had been mainly reading knitting blogs but somehow went to somebody's recipe somewhere and started looking at a few links that were mentioned, and you can guess the rest. I tend to start reading a blog from the beginning, which may take awhile, depending on when they started it. So I'm trying not to do that with the food blogs I've found. Looking at the pictures they show helps in this. If it isn't something I'm likely to make, then I
try to skip that entry.

So I was thinking that I could add recipes to my own blog. I know that I already have one for
red lentil soup but I put that partially so that I would remember myself how I had made it.
Yesterday I made mushy potatoes. I guess they could be called lumpy potatoes but that wouldn't sound as appetizing. The idea is
not to mash them until smooth.
Mushed PotatoesAmounts and sizes depend on how much you want to end up with.
Water to cook vegetables in
salt (optional)
1 parsnip, peeled and chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 garlic clove, peeled and chopped finely (sometimes I add this, sometimes I don't)
I put these into the saucepan and bring to a boil.
Potatoes, enough for how many servings you want, peeled and chopped.
I add the potatoes after the other vegetables have been cooking a bit.
Once the potatoes are done, drain the water.
Add (salt and) pepper, to taste.
Add your dairy product(s): milk or sour cream or something like that (and butter if you want), not too much because this is suppose to be thickish.
Mush as much as you like and serve.