Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Broccoli and Chickpea Pasta

Well I had my first all vegetarian day. For breakfast I had oatmeal porridge and fatfree milk. Lunch was peanut butter and homemade strawberry jam on bread. I had heard about Chef Marc Meyer's Lemony Broccoli and Chickpea Rigatoni recipe on some body's blog and looked it up. I adapted it and my version is below. Oops, I can't remember what we had for our evening snack.

Broccoli and Chickpea Pasta

265 g cooked chickpeas (I used tinned, drained and rinsed them.)

1½ tbsp lemon concentrate (Use more lemon next time – 2 tbsp?)

1 tbsp olive oil

10 rose peppers, crushed

head of broccoli, cut into pieces (I use the whole thing, not just the florets.)

200 g pasta

1½ tbsp olive oil

1 dl cooking water

2 tbsp Parmesan cheese

1 tbsp Parmesan cheese, for garnish

Mix chickpeas, lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil and crushed rose peppers together and set aside.

Cook broccoli for 4 minutes. You need to keep the water, so remove the broccoli with a slotted spoon. I steamed the broccoli because I don't have a slotted spoon and it was easy to lift it out but I had to add more water before adding the pasta.

Add pasta and cook according to package directions.

While the pasta is cooking, heat 1½ tbsp of olive oil in a large skillet and add the broccoli and chickpea mixture and heat through. When pasta is done remove 1 dl of cooking water before draining pasta and add it to the skillet. Add 2 tbsp of Parmesan cheese to skillet and stir well. Mix in pasta and stir until coated with liquid. Garnish with rest of Parmesan cheese.

Chipless Days: 259
Chocolatefree Mondays: 15
Chocolatefree Fridays: 6

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