Friday, May 26, 2006

Day 18: Struggling

It's been difficult not to snack when I shouldn't. I suppose it has become a habit. Just like eating after my evening snack and I was able to stop doing that. So I can conquer this too.

This week's legume dish was basically taken from the back of the lentil package. I couldn't find any info about the company on the package nor on the internet. Strange. This is my adaptation.

Green Lentil Dish

2 dl green lentils, rinsed
6 dl water
Cook with lid for 25-30 minutes or until done.

2 tbsp oil, for cooking
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 potatoes, chopped (size depends on how much you want to eat)
2 carrots, chopped (size depends on how much you want to eat)
Cook vegetables in oil until potatoes are almost done. Add
2 - 2.5 dl corn
white pepper, to taste
herb salt, to taste
cooked lentils
Continue cooking until potatoes are done. May need to add more oil.

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