I've been thinking of trying to stop eating wheat, or at least cut it down a lot, because I have noticed that my stomach feels a bit upset after eating it. And sometimes even the thought of how it will feel after eating it puts me off.

The problem is that I like having a sandwich for lunch. I suppose that I could try not using any other wheat products that day but then we couldn't, for example, have pasta on the same day. It might be that the processed wheat doesn't agree with me but I have never seen 100% whole wheat bread here. It is usually used as an added ingredient. I seldom buy 100% white bread anyway. I should keep a bread diary and see how my stomach feels after each type of flour product.
Yesterday all I could do was eat. Or think about it, so I would give in. I know that this is a progress that I have to go through before I will accept not snacking when I shouldn't, but it feels so hopeless at the moment. I shouldn't think that way, as I have only just added this step, but it's fun to beat oneself up. (Not really.)
Instead of a sandwich, try a wrap made with loose leaf lettuce.
also, try some non-wheat pastas, great for variety even if it isn't wheat that bothers your stomach.
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