Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Day 1: Step One

I hadn't thought about it, but my son has never seen my waist. Instead he has grown up looking at all the fat that conceals it. If I think more about it, it has been so long since I have seen my waist, I have no idea what shape it is. As far back as I can remember it has been barrel shaped. No indentations on the sides, only between the rolls.

Health-wise I have to loose weight if I don't want to start taking insulin.I have known this for some time, and so I haven't been to have my blood sugar tested (I have my own tester.). Last year I was able to loose 6 kilos by cutting out eating after my evening snack. It took about 5 months to not think about eating later in the evening. I don't even think about it anymore, except when my stomach growls, which isn't very often, and then I eat something small. If I could find more steps like that, then it would be easier. I don't want to be on a diet, I want to make life changes. Blah! Giving up chocolate will probably be the last thing.

I am going to try to make a life change once a week. There are so many changes that have to be made that I don't want to try to many at a time. I think that I will alternate between withdrawals (not eating something) and additions (adding something to my diet or life). Too many withdrawals might be too torturous.

For now I am only going to try to loose a total of 10 kilos, so that I can go to the diabetes nurse, with a 10 kilo weight loss! After that I'll try to get it down to the next goal, but I haven't decided what it will be yet. I have a lot to loose, so this will be some process! Probably quite slow too.

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