Friday, May 12, 2006

Day 4: Mirror, Mirror

We don't have a full-length mirror. The only time I see the 'real me' (as apposed to what I can see in the bathroom mirror, which is nothing below the chest) is when I am in a clothing store. My son is over 190 cm tall. Yesterday when I caught him contorting his body about in front of the bathroom mirror trying to see what a shirt looked like on him, I decided that maybe it is time to get a full-length mirror.

The obvious problem (to me) is where to put it so that 1) He can see his full length and, which is totally more important (to me) is, 2) I am not constantly seeing an image of the really fat 'real' me. I so seldom go to clothing stores that it is always a shock what I really look like. Do I want to see myself everyday? Would it be a good thing (reminder of what I need to do) or a bad thing (reminder of what I haven't done)? Also the reality in my head doesn't meet the reality of mirrors!

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