I'm pleased with myself. I went to two grocery stores today and I didn't even think of chips. I must confess that it had nothing to do with my decision to stop eating chips. I hadn't made a grocery list, so I was focusing on what on earth do we need and for some reason chips didn't even enter my mind.

It's a good thing though that I am just starting on this journey because I bought some cheddar cheese. It wasn't until I started to write this entry that I thought that I would check the fat content of said cheddar.
34.4%! I'm glad that I didn't examine the fat content in the store because I might
not have bought it have had to go back to the cheese section after thinking about it.
Well you think, why doesn't she just go out and buy some fat free cheddar? It does, after all exist. (I had to check that it does, so I googled it.) It isn't so simple. I'm amazed if I even see cheddar in a grocery store because some stores don't even carry it here. I suppose it is good in a way, because then I CAN'T BUY IT. I have never found fat free cheese here. The lowest I've seen is 5%.
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