Monday, June 12, 2006

Day 35: Hummus

I made some hummus over the weekend (on the right). I've wanted to try it for years. First I had to make my own tahini (roasting the sesame seeds in the oven and then blending them with oil in the food processor). I didn't get the pourable consistency I was suppose to get and I didn't want to add more oil as I already had had to add more than the recipe called for. So I just used the paste I got (on the left). I don't know what I'll use the rest of it for.

Of course after I made the ”tahini” I found a recipe for hummus that calls for toasting the exact amount of sesame seeds needed in the frying pan and adding them to the rest of the ingredients. I might prefer it this way because I like sesame seeds as they are. This teaches me the lesson of checking out my own cookbooks before searching the internet.

I've never used garlic in the raw before and it sure was strong. Next time I make hummus I 'll try it without using any garlic. And then I'll try toasting the garlic with the seeds in the frying pan. And then I don't know if I'll make hummus again, as I like chick peas as they are.

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