Friday, June 30, 2006

Day 53: Macaroni Casserole

If I wasn't the one who 'developed' the recipe I would have said that there was something missing from it. I was right there interfering overseeing advising my SS on how to make the macaroni casserole but somehow it turned out different! It was good though. He would prefer to have a written recipe to follow rather than a verbal recipe. (Also he didn't seem to like it when I would stir, or mix, or something)

We have talked about trying to eat healthier. He doesn't need to be any skinnier, but though we don't eat too much junk processed food compared to most people we know, there are additives and preservatives in some of our food. This will be a struggle because finding suitable food in this city that we can afford will be a challenge.

To start off with something easy I suggested crackers because we don't really eat them that often, and usually the ones that we buy are just for snacking. We will finish the ones we have. If we 'need' crackers I would like to try to make some.

I jokingly started listing all of the foods that we would need to give up and that we could try deleting something once a month. He thought that that was a bit slow so we will also finish off the sugar free drink concentrate and not buy more. I think that this will be harder for him as he drinks it daily. He didn't like the idea of giving up white flour so I guess that that will be further down the line, if at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I got your comment on my blog. The spelt bread recipe was from Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone by Deborah Madison. It's the recipe for whole-wheat sandwich bread found on pg 662 (I subbed spelt flour for whole-wheat flour). If you don't have the book or don't have access to it let me know and I can email you the recipe.