Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Day 64: Nuts

SS hasn't been home very much, so I've been trying to eat up bits and pieces and things that he doesn't want to eat anymore (cheese spreads, etc.) so I don't need to waste them by throwing them away.

We both need more vegetable fat so I'm going to add 5 walnuts and 5 almonds each day to our diets. That is if I can find walnuts and they are a reasonable price.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I can e-mail you the peanut butter cookie recipe, but I don't see your e-mail address listed here. Mine is on my blog, so if you're still interested, contact me through there.
Good luck with the weight loss. I struggle myself. It's a tough road.


Anonymous said...

OK, maybe it's just my head that's fat. I looked at your profile again and I see your e-mail address as plain as anything. I'll zip that recipe over to you shortly.
