On the
I'm Knitting As Fast As I Can blog Susan mentioned that she had made pecan caramel turtles from the recipe she had found on the
Stitch-N-Snitch blog. Susan had changed the recipe by using Riesen candies instead of Rolos. I was at the store the other day and saw that they had Riesen's on sale because the best before date was coming up, so I bought some, thinking of the recipe. I had a hard time finding the recipe because I thought that it was on one of the food blogs that I read, but it was on a knitting blog. I had to buy a bag of mixed party snacks so that I could get the pretzels. And pecans are very expensive here, so if I make them again after finishing these, I'll use some other nut because we didn't really notice the taste. But they are worth making.
Still struggled without chocolate on Monday. If it takes 28 times to break a habit, it will be the summer before I'm used to it. Next week I'm going to try to go Fridays without sugar. I decided on Friday because SS usually goes every second weekend to his father's and it won't be so hard on him because I'm planning on having him do it too.
(He doesn't know it yet.) It will prevent him from eating his Saturday candies on Friday.
Chipless days: 283
Chocolatefree Mondays: 4
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