Friday, April 27, 2007

To Be A Vegetarian Or Not To Be?

I've been putting off going vegetarian because 1)I'm lazy and 2)I'll have to make everything from scratch because it's almost impossible to get vegetarian convenience foods here. SS said that he wouldn't mind trying though he wouldn't go completely vegetarian outside the home. (I don't think his meat and potato grandparents would understand.) So once we've eaten up all of the meat, fish, etc. that we have in the fridge and freezer (I can't afford to throw it away), maybe we'll try it. I'll have to pig out on bacon before giving it up!

I'm disappointed. I was all ready to celebrate being a year without chips but I miscounted somewhere along the line. It took me awhile to find the calendar I used last year and according to it I started on May 9th. So I still have some days to go.

Chipless Days: 354

Chocolatefree Mondays: 14

Chocolatefree Fridays: 5